воскресенье, 13 ноября 2011 г.

eyelashes implants in STOCKTON eyelashes implants STOCKTON

eyelashes implants in STOCKTON

eyelashes implants

eyelashes implants STOCKTON

eyelashes implants in STOCKTON.Although not primarily developed as a cosmetic procedure, surgery for eyelash implants has quickly advanced and is now a highly profitable market.
However, it may not be for the faint hearted!
This may not be to bad though as eye shields are normally used to protect the eye from any possible damage.
The whole procedure takes around one or two hours, but this depends on the number of implants you need.
For a few people, this type of procedure may feel like the physician is invading their personal space and make them feel a little uneasy.
Do not expect any immediate results, as you will not get them.
Implants act like the hair on your head and will take 12 to 24 weeks to create a noticeable difference.
Just one thing though, if the hair is taken from your scalp, then your new lashes will grow faster than your natural eyelashes and will actually need trimming.
It is also likely that your new implants will behave in the same tendencies as when they were in your scalp.
This means that if you have curly coarse hair, you could need to straighten them!
Your surgeon should discuss this possibility with you and what to do about it.
If all this sounds too much, you could think about having eyelash extensions instead, as these are really quite effective nowadays.
Synthetic lashes are attached to your individual lashes with glue through a painless procedure.
They are resistant to water, sun, sweat or tears.
You should protect your eyes from water for the first two hours after the procedure.
Waterproof mascara should also be avoided at all times as this may pull the lashes off as it bonds with the natural lashes.
The problem with eyelash extensions, is that they only last for about 2 months when you will need to have them replaced.
Although eyelash implants are a good way to improve the look of your eyes, having this procedure should not be considered lightly.
It is after all a type of transplant surgery and is therefore expensive and does have certain risks.
Do consider trying other avenues before you go down this particular avenue.
Find out more about and eyelash extensions at eyelash implants

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