четверг, 10 ноября 2011 г.

dark brown hair highlights in WOODACRE dark brown hair highlights WOODACRE

dark brown hair highlights in WOODACRE

dark brown hair highlights

dark brown hair highlights WOODACRE

dark brown hair highlights in WOODACRE.The feature that i like the most is that you can see exactly where you are going to highlight.
Depending on which shade you get, while mixing the solution the stuff turns either bright yellow, blue, or pink and this really helps to see how much you have highlighted.
The comb tool is so easy to use and the instructions are very clear.
The product cost 10 us dollars, i do not know how much it costs in the uk.
There are 3 shades to choose from: light blonde to medium blonde, dark blonde to light brown, and medium brown to dark brown.
Included in the kit is a tube of conditioner that is to be used just after highlighting and once a week for 5 weeks.
It leaves your hair feeling very smooth and it helps the color to stay in longer.
The instructions are very detailed and clear as to how to apply the cream and mix.
Always wear the plastic gloves that are provided when handling the highlighting mixture, and do not reuse them.
First, remove the cap from the developing cream bottle and discard it.
Then, holding it away from your face, tear open the highlighting powder packet.
Pour the entire contents into the developing cream bottle.
Place a gloved finger over the tip of the bottle and shake it away from your face until it has been well mixed.
Next, remove the cap from the tube of highlighting cream, flip the cap over and press it into the tube as there is a pin that will puncture the tube allowing the cream to come out.
Squeeze all of the highlighting cream into the developing cream bottle and shake until it is mixed well.
Now you are ready to highlight.
Place the applicator underneath the bottle with your highlighting mixture and squeeze a small amount into both sections of the applicator.
Repeat until you have bright streaks in the all the places you want to color.
Wait 3045 minutes until your hair is the desired shade.
The longer you wait, the lighter your hair will become.
Now that your hair is highlighted, all you need to do is step into the shower and rinse the cream off.
Use the conditioner provided and massage it into your hair.
Leave that on for 2 minutes and then rinse.
Dry your hair and style it as usual and then you are good to go.

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